There is so much information about yoga poses on the internet or in many available books that I didn't think it was necessary for me to put together anything on yoga poses. But I guess I was wrong. After several requests for my handouts, which contain short descriptions on my favourite yoga poses with little line drawings illustrating the poses, I have finally put together a document containing all of them. I guess I'm finally getting into the digital age. You can link to the document (Hilary's pose collection), and then print them out to your hearts content. There are two pages on a balanced practice (i.e. a pick of my favourite poses), a gentle practice, and a compilation of standing poses, backbends and forward bends.
The Sun Salutations are a traditional sequence to practice at home regularly. This sequence forms the foundation for many yoga practices. Click here for more information on this wonderful vinyasa.
If you would like me to email you these documents, let me know.