Jan 17, 2010


Balancing ying and yang in your yoga practice

This week we will be doing a "Yinyasa" class.  This is a fusion of Yin yoga (long held poses) with Vinyasa flow (a rhythmic flow of postures).

The first 30 minutes of Yin work help release the connective tissues, create space and integrity in the joints and remove blockages to internal energy flow.  This is followed by about 45 minutes of a flowing repetition of movements requiring strength and balance. 

We are always dealing with opposite energies within ourselves - to be active, to be receptive, to move, or be still, to be energetic or calm, to look inward, or look outward.  This class lets us explore all these parts or ourselves.  Notice which parts of the class resonate with you and which parts you resist.  Also know that could change!

For more info on Ying yoga, check out:

Here are some good books by some pretty neat yogis:

Couldn't say it any better than Paul Grilley:

Inhaling is Yang, exhaling is Yin, but they both form the breath. There are critical difference between Yin and Yang tissues of the body. Muscles and blood are Yang, connective tissues and joints are Yin. Yin and Yang tissues do not respond to training in the same way and a student’s practice becomes more effective when the difference is understood.Most forms of Yoga practiced today are Yang, they emphasize muscular movement and contraction. By contrast Yin Yoga targets the connective tissue of the hips, pelvis and lower spine. Yin postures are held three to five to ten minutes at a time. This type of practice complements the more muscular styles of Yoga and is a great aid for learning to sit in meditation.