Mar 25, 2011


The breath is the anchor, foundation, life of each pose.  There are several "techniques" to help you find and stay with your breath.  We can control our breath to go deeper into the poses.  One of the most commonly used techniques is "ujjayi" or breath of victory.  In power or Ashtanga yoga, it is recommended to maintain the ujjayi breath throughout your entire yoga practice.  I'm not one to expound the one size fits all method.  When you feel the pose from within you, you will know which breath is needed in each pose.  We already know that a backbend invites an inhalation and a forward bend invites an exhalation.  Eventually you will know when to add ujjayi or a breath retention or any other breath technique.  Why not try alternate nostril breathing while doing pigeon pose? 

Ujjayi breath controls the flow of air through your airway.  By narrowing the passageway, we can draw out and control the flow of air.  This allows us to extend the breath and go deeper into the poses.  There is a slight constriction of the throat, like when you whisper, you create resistance to the passage of air, or like sipping the breath through a straw.  You will hear a very slight sound, like that of a shell when you bring it to your ear.  Bring your attention to the notch between the collar bones at the base of your throat.  

You can start by breathing in through the nostrils, and whispering Ahh or Haa when you breath out, direct the breath over the back of your throat. The breath is still relaxed, no strain!  If  you find you are turning into Darth Vader, you're trying to hard. 

Be patient, it takes time to perfect this breath so that it is smooth and even.  With time, you can practice ujjayi on the in and out breath with your mouth closed.

Stomach Lock

 Another breathing technique that allows you to extend the exhalation and massage your internal organs is the stomach lock or uddiyana Bandha.  This can be performed standing, sitting or lying down or even on all fours.  I find it easiest to find this bandha while lying down, you might like to try it standing as well.  Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale completely.   Contract your abdominal muscles fully to push as much air as possible out of your lungs.  Do not inhale but hold the breath.   Perform what's called a "mock inhalation"; that is, lift your rib cage as if you were inhaling, but don't actually inhale. The expansion of the rib cage (without the inhalation) sucks the abdominal muscles into the rib cage and hollows the belly.  Let the chin drop toward the chest (chin lock or  Jalandhara Bandha).  Enjoy this lock for for five to 15 seconds. Then slowly release the abdominal grip and inhale normally. Perform three to 10 rounds, depending on your capacity, with one or more normal breaths between each round.